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作者:Administrator 来源:本站时间:2023-10-30 15:12:59


Sustainable Development Policy Framework Of Nature Rubber



  Yunnan Dianyuan Rubber Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Dianyuan Rubber) is a high-tech rubber company integrating natural rubber planting, processing, sales and R&D. We are committed to the sustainable development of natural rubber with a focus on environmental and social issues. We hold the concept of people-oriented, ecology first through scientific development.


  We have four natural rubber production processing factories in China  and a rubber plantation in Laos. Our company acts as a producer, processor and trader: managing raw material sourcing, production, processing and sale. Joining GPSNR, we will pay more attention to environmental and social issues such as forest and other ecosystem transformation, biodiversity loss, violations of human rights and labor rights and inequality in the natural rubber supply chain. We will actively explore the policies which promote the sustainable development of natural rubber.

1.遵守法律的承诺Commitment to Legal Compliance

  1.1我们承诺遵守中国和国际有关人权、劳工、土地使用和环境的法律,如《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、 《中华人民共和国工会法》和《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》。

  1.1 We promise to comply with Chinese and international laws on human rights, labor, land use, and the environment such as PRC's Labour Law, Law of PRC on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, PRC's Union Law, Code of Occupational Disease Prevention of PRC.


  1.2 We promise that there is no corruption in all of its forms in our company, including extortion and bribery.

2.致力于健康、有效的生态系统Commitment to Healthy, Functioning Ecosystems


  2.1.1 The natural rubber that we produce and source is all  managed based on its original plantation area. Products will be labeled for  traceability management. All these measures that we adopted are part of the commitment to producing and sourcing natural rubber in a way that does not contribute to deforestation and or degrade High Conservation Values (HCVs).


  We promise that the areas that we develop and protect are all following the methodology and guidance (HCSA) consistent with the HCV method and the high carbon stock method.


  2.1.2 We confirmed that the Nature Rubber that we source does not originate from the areas deforested or where HCVs have been degraded after the cutoff date of 1 April 2019.


  2.2 We promise that we will engage in the long-term protection of natural forests and other ecosystems and their conservation values. We will make our contribution to the  restoration of deforested and degraded rubber landscapes.


  2.3 We will strictly abide by not using open burning/fires during our production activities. We will manage the garbage collection, phytosanitary and other emergencies in a reasonable way and will not use open burning/fire except in justified and documented cases of fire break establishment, waste management for sanitary reasons where public garbage collection is not available, phytosanitary and other emergencies.


  2.4 We promise to protect the wildlife and actively promote public participation in related work, avoiding the poaching, over-hunting and habitat loss in areas under company management.


  2.5 We have obtained a water resource intake certificate issued by the government, and strictly control the water intake quantity. At the same time,  we have established the waste water recycle system to reduce water use. By continuously upgrading and transforming the production wastewater treatment system, we ensure that the wastewater treatment meets national environmental protection requirements. We also commit to protect water quality and quantity.


  2.6 We promise that we will protect soil quality, preventing erosion, nutrient degradation, subsidence and contamination.


  2.7 We will actively participate in preventing the development of or sourcing from natural rubber plantations on peat, regardless of depth, extent, or status (wet, drained or dry).

3.承诺尊重所有人权Commitment to Respecting all Human Rights


  3.1 We promise that we will uphold the UNGP (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights), respecting and protecting internationally recognized human rights, avoiding causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts and preventing or mitigating any harm linked to company operations.


  3.2 There is a company grievance mechanism to receive complaints (Consistent with UNGP effectiveness) and we promise that the appeal mechanism is reasonable and effective, and can remedy the negative impacts caused by production and sourcing.




  3.3 We have always and will continue to recognise and protect the customary, traditional and communcal land tenure rights of indigenous people and local communities, actively cooperate with local communities and promote community economic development including carrying out operations in accordance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigeneous Peoples (UNDRIP).

  We will make contributions by ensuring ongoing land tenure and access rights.

  There is no hunting or gathering of animals and plants for survival in the local area.



  3.4.1 We  promise that prior to any activity that might affect IP/LC rights to their lands, territories, and resources, their free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) is secured.

  We promise that the FPIC process in a culturally appropriate manner and follows credible accepted methods and relevant GPSNR guidelines. IP/LC has the right to agree or reject any activity subject to the FPIC process.


  3.4.2 We promise that when  we impinge on IP/LC rights, we will actively cooperate with IP/LC to take effective measures to remedy the situation including compensating or accommodating IP/LC through appropriate, mutually agreed measures.






  3.4.3 We promise to take action to provide remedial measures through mutually agreed procedures in case of previous impingement on IP/LC rights, encroachment or damage to the land, territory or resources of the Company without securing FPIC. It shall be supervised by the mutually agreed stakeholders or third parties such as the community and the GPSNR member.

  All of our production and operation activities carried out are in accordance with the law and regulations, and obtain the relevant approval procedures to keep consistent with the FPIC process and meet the relevant requirements of:

  - UN-REDD (2012) Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent

  - RSPO (2015) Free, Prior and Informed Consent for RSPO Members

  - FAO (2015) Free, Prior and Informed Consent Manual.


  3.5 We continuously and effectively maintain good channels of dialogue and communication with local people and communities.











  3.6 We promise to strictly implement the labor rights and labor laws in jurisdictions where we operate, the guiding principles of the United Nations on enterprise and human rights, and the purposes of the eight core conventions of the International Labour Organization including:

● Establish union to protect the rights and interests of employees;

● According to China's labor law, there is no forced labor for production and processing;

● There is no use of child labor;

● Ensure the a decent living salary and benefits of employees;

● There is no discriminatory behavior, so all activities are conducted in an open and fair manner;

● Working hours comply with relevant national laws;

● Simultaneously providing a healthy and safe working environment, conducting relevant tests every year, and passing safety production standardization;

● There is no abusive behavior and all personnel including contract, temporary and migrant workers are treated equally;

● Ensure gender equality without gender discrimination.

4.对社区生计的承诺Commitment to Community Livelihoods


  4.1 We will support the decent living conditions of local communities by, for example, ensuring drinking water, adequate housing sanitation.


  4.2 Support local residents by supporting the right to food and food security of individuals, households and local communities, ensuring safe production, meeting pollutant discharge standards, and donating funds and materials.



  4.3 Supporting the economic, social and cultural rights of local people, including through access to education and employment by strictly following the relevant national requirements for planting and purchasing natural rubber, respecting the customs and habits of local ethnic minorities, and jointly negotiating with local rubber farmers on the price of natural rubber, settlement methods, and other measures.

5.致力于提高生产效率Commitment to Increased Production Efficiency


  5.1 The management of rubber farmers, including small farmers, is mainly carried out through daily communication and visits, supporting training to improve yield and quality, and proposing raw material supply standards, conducting comprehensive evaluation of raw materials for yield and quality management.


  5.2 Managing operations to minimize rate of energy usage including upgrading production equipment and processes, gradually improving production efficiency.


  5.3 Managing operations to maximize natural resource efficiency  including reducing the quantity of ground rubber chips, and increasing management efforts such as salvaging, sorting and reusing of ground rubber chips.


  5.4 The company committed to minimizing and mitigation carbon emissions.

6.对推动政策框架有效实施的系统和流程的承诺Commitment to Systems and Processes to Drive Effective Implementation of Policy Framework


  6.1 We have formulated an annual target, focusing on energy control, employee safety, product quality assurance, and other related indicators to ensure the fulfillment of commitments. These targets will be public, timebound and geographic specific.


  6.2 We promise to promote and implement the policy framework in decision-making processes, various departments and affiliated subsidiaries, supervise its implementation, and provide corresponding evaluations in annual assessments.


  6.3 We promise to actively engage in communication with stakeholders and provide relevant information to ensure that they effectively grasp the company's goals, feedback, and suggestions.


  6.4 Participating in/supporting multi-stakeholder planning and policy efforts that uphold the GPSNR principles at a landscape, jurisdictional or other spatial level.

7.对供应链评估、可追溯性和管理适用性的承诺Commitment to Supply Chain Assessment, Traceability, and Management Applicability


  7.1 We will conduct supply chain mapping, strictly evaluating our suppliers in accordance with the supplier assessment and rating management methods which include social and environmental risk, and prioritise various risk mitigation actions.




  7.2 We are committed to supporting traceability of natural rubber, at a minimum to an appropriate jurisdictional level, to know or control the conformance of purchased materials with GPSNR Policy Framework.

  The level of traceability will differ for each "node" of the supply chain and will be documented, with justification for why the desired level of traceability may not be reached for all supply chains and plans to achieve this level.

  The appropriate jurisdictional level will be defined in the implementation guidance.


  7.3 We actively deliver GPSNR framework policy to natural rubber suppliers through WeChat, website, daily communication, training and other channels. We will communicate that conformance with the GPSNR Policy Framework will be preferred  and actively guide their standardized management to promote forest protection, soil conservation and other aspects. We will also provide time bound requirements for meeting the policy requirements, and ensuring that supplier codes and contracts, engagement activities, and other mechanisms reflect these supplier expectations.



  7.4 Encourage our suppliers to actively participate in GPSNR, supporting their conformance with company commitments and conduct comprehensive supplier evaluation and assessment. Through the management of qualified supplier lists, ensure that raw material procurement meets relevant requirements.

  Provide support for evaluating suppliers in terms of procurement volume, resource sharing, etc.


  7.5 If the supplier encounters the above situations, we will conduct corresponding training, develop improvement plans, supervise the time bound implementation of rectification, and verify the effectiveness of measures.

8.承诺监测和报告政策框架的进展情况和遵守情况Commitment to Monitoring and Reporting on Progress Towards, and Conformance with, Policy Framework


  8.1 Over the years of production and operation, the company has been monitoring progress towards company commitments to determine performance and will continue to do so.


  8.2 We have established a website and published contact information to accept monitoring and appeal information for non-compliance with commitments.


  8.3 Reporting publicly on progress and outcomes related to the implementation of policy-related commitments at least annually.




  Pls contact us if you have any questions regarding our company’s Sustainable Development Policy Framework Of Nature Rubber:

Phone: +86-871-67174007



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